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Preview of Gen Con 2024: Scheduled Events, Presenters, and Highlights

Preview of Gen Con 2024: Scheduled Events, Presenters, and Highlights

As Gen Con 2024 approaches, we can't contain our excitement to see what's new in tabletop gaming. Game Brands is going to be in Indianapolis for Gen Con Indy from August 1-4, 2024, and this year's convention promises a fantastic lineup of events, presenters, and activities. Here's a detailed preview of what we're looking forward to at Gen Con 2024.

Key Events and Highlights

Game Sessions and Tournaments

Gen Con 2024 will feature thousands of game sessions across a wide variety of genres. Highlights include:

  1. Dungeons & Dragons Epic Events: There are multiple large-scale one-shot D&D sessions, including a special adventure written exclusively for Gen Con 2024. If you're in, make sure to roll up a character!
  2. Magic: The Gathering Tournaments: Competitive play will include a Grand Prix event and draft tournaments. There will also be casual play opportunities; Game Brands is looking forward to bringing some EDH decks and getting some good spellslinging in.
  3. Board Game Marathons: Popular titles such as "Gloomhaven," "Wingspan," and "Terraforming Mars" will have dedicated play areas, with special sessions for new expansions and releases. If you've been looking to try these out before getting your hands on a copy, now's the perfect time!
  4. Other Sanctioned Tournaments: MTG and D&D aren't the only official tournament events to look forward to. If you're into Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Unlimited or Restoration Games' Unmatched, Gen Con is hosting official tournaments for those as well.

Workshops and Panels

The convention will host numerous workshops and panels led by industry experts. Notable sessions include:

  1. Game Design Workshops: Led by renowned designers such as Rob Daviau (creator of "Pandemic Legacy") and Elizabeth Hargrave (designer of "Wingspan"), these workshops will cover topics from game mechanics to narrative development. If you're a newbie game developer, sign up for these ahead of time to find out what you need to know!
  2. Publishing and Marketing Panels: The hardest part of getting a new board game out into the world is the marketing. At this panel, industry leaders from publishers like Wizards of the Coast and Asmodee will discuss the latest trends in game publishing and effective marketing strategies.
  3. Diversity in Gaming: As tabletop gaming's audience expands, so too do its designers. Gen Con 2024 features panels addressing inclusivity and representation in the gaming industry, featuring speakers like Tanya DePass (founder of I Need Diverse Games) and Ajit George (co-writer of "Journey Through the Radiant Citadel").

Special Presentations and Keynotes

Gen Con 2024 will feature special presentations and keynote addresses, including:

  1. Opening Keynote: Given by Gen Con founder Peter Adkison, reflecting on the convention’s history and future.
  2. Industry Trends: A keynote by Eric Lang, an influential game designer, discussing the future of tabletop gaming and emerging trends.
  3. Game Announcements: Major publishers will reveal new game titles and expansions during exclusive presentations. Be sure to check out Restoration Games' keynote for an announcement of their newest license!

Notable Presenters and Guests

Game Designers and Developers

  1. Matt Mercer: The renowned Dungeon Master of "Critical Role" will host several live-play sessions and panels. If you're looking to learn to DM, these are events you won't want to miss.
  2. Isaac Childres: The designer of "Gloomhaven" will lead discussions on complex game design and the development of the "Gloomhaven" universe.
  3. Jamey Stegmaier: The founder of Stonemaier Games will present on crowdfunding strategies and community engagement. Stonemaier is renowned for their pioneering work in digital marketing, so if you're struggling with getting traction online, you'll need this presentation.

Authors and Artists

  1. R.A. Salvatore: Yes, that R.A. Salvatore. The acclaimed author will discuss his work on "The Legend of Drizzt" series and his contributions to D&D lore and the Forgotten Realms.
  2. Lena Richter: An artist known for her work in games like "Root" and "Fort," will showcase her artwork and participate in a live art demonstration which should be a treat for all artists and art fans.

Industry Professionals

  1. Rosie Games Panel: Representatives from Rosie Games, known for innovative board game publishing, will discuss new projects and industry innovations.
  2. Kickstarter Experts: A panel featuring successful Kickstarter campaigners sharing insights on running effective crowdfunding campaigns. If you're new to digital marketing, this one is a must.

Interactive Experiences

Exhibitor Hall

The exhibitor hall this year will feature over 500 exhibitors, offering a mix of well-established publishers and indie developers. Highlights include:

  1. Game Demos: Attendees can try out new and upcoming games at demo booths. This is where I first tried out Ares Games' Sword and Sorcery last year, and I'm eager to see what else is up for trying!
  2. Exclusive Merch: Limited edition items, including game expansions, collectibles, and apparel, will be available. If you're a Funko Pop collector, you won't want to miss their booth!
  3. Meet-and-Greets: Opportunities to meet designers, artists, and authors for signings and photo ops. Fan of Ginny Di, or want to get some signed art from Naomi Vandoren? This is your chance!

Playtesting and Prototyping

  1. Playtest Hall: A dedicated area where attendees can playtest prototypes from emerging designers and provide feedback. This was my favorite part of the Con last year, and I'm eager to see what's new this year!
  2. Prototype Presentations: Sessions where designers present their upcoming projects and receive live feedback from industry experts and attendees. If you're a game designer, this is your chance to get professional feedback, so sign up now!

Community Events

  1. Cosplay Contest: Featuring elaborate costumes from various games, judged by a panel of professional cosplayers. As avid cosplayers ourselves, we can't wait to see what makes it onto the floor this year.
  2. Gen Con Dance: An after-hours event with themed music and entertainment. Make friends, network, and just hang out!
  3. Charity Events: This year includes a charity auction with rare and unique gaming items, and a charity game night supporting local organizations for the Indianapolis area.

Are You Excited Yet?

We are! Gen Con 2024 promises to deliver an exceptional experience, with a massive lineup of game sessions, workshops, and presentations. That's not even speaking about the incredible guests and the industry professionals offering valuable insights and networking opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned gamer, a budding designer, or a curious newcomer, Gen Con 2024 is sure to be an event you won't forget.

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Analyzing the Challenges in the Bowling Lane Industry

Analyzing the Challenges in the Bowling Lane Industry

The bowling lane industry, once a staple of American recreational culture, has faced significant challenges over the past few decades, which only intensified in the last four years with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are a lot of reasons for these issues, including:

  • Shifting consumer preferences
  • Economic pressures
  • The need for modernization

In this post, Game Brands explores these key challenges and considers strategies that industry members might want to try to help boost their revenues.

1. Shifting Consumer Preferences

One of the biggest issues for bowling lanes, and indeed the entire family entertainment industry, is the shift in consumer preferences towards digital entertainment options. With video games and streaming services now more available than ever (and usually much less expensive than a day out), the appeal of traditional physical activities like bowling has begun to drop. Millenials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha in particular tend to prefer activities that offer quicker gratification and social connectivity, which they can get easily through digital platforms.

Strategic Response:

To address this challenge, bowling alleys need to innovate and diversify their offerings. Incorporating modern entertainment elements such as arcades, VR experiences, and social gaming can attract younger customers. Additionally, integrating technology within the bowling experience, like automated scoring systems and interactive lanes, can enhance engagement.

2. Economic Pressures

Economic fluctuations have a significant impact on consumer's discretionary spending, which in turn affects the bowling industry. During economic downturns, consumers often cut back on non-essential spending, including leisure activities like bowling, while the aforementioned streaming services tend not to take as much of a hit. Moreover, the high operational costs associated with maintaining bowling alleys, such as real estate, equipment maintenance, and labor, exacerbate these pressures.

Strategic Response:

Bowling alley operators should focus on cost management and operational efficiency. Implementing energy-efficient systems, optimizing staffing levels, and exploring bulk purchasing agreements for supplies can help reduce costs. Additionally, offering flexible pricing models, such as off-peak discounts and membership programs, can encourage consistent patronage even during economic downturns.

3. Aging Infrastructure

Many bowling alleys were established several decades ago and now face the issue outdated facilities and equipment, which not only detract from the customer experience but also lead to higher maintenance costs. Without significant investment in modernization, these facilities risk becoming obsolete.

Strategic Response:

Investment in upgrading facilities is crucial. This includes:

  • Refurbishing bowling lanes
  • Updating scoring systems
  • Enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the alleys

Seeking funding through loans, grants, or partnerships can provide the necessary capital for these upgrades. Moreover, modernizing facilities can be positioned as a long-term investment, potentially increasing customer satisfaction and repeat business.

4. Competition from Alternative Entertainment

The rise of alternative family entertainment options, such as escape rooms, trampoline parks, and immersive cinema experiences, has intensified competition. These alternatives often offer novel and exciting experiences that can overshadow traditional or "less cool" activities like bowling.

Strategic Response:

The solution here is much the same as the solution to the preference for digital experience: bowling alleys should consider diversifying their entertainment options to remain competitive and creating multi-entertainment complexes that include a variety of attractions can draw in a wider audience.

However, in terms of remaining competitive with other family entertainment options specifically, you'd want to expand in a different direction: lean into the things that only a bowling alley can do. Hosting themed events, leagues, and tournaments can differentiate bowling alleys from other entertainment venues, as an escape room can't exactly have a "league."

Furthermore, partnering with local businesses and community organizations for joint promotions and events can help drive traffic.

5. Marketing and Engagement

Traditional marketing approaches may no longer be sufficient to attract new customers and retain existing ones. The rise of social media and digital marketing has transformed how businesses reach and engage with their audience. Bowling alleys that fail to adapt to these changes may struggle to maintain visibility and relevance.

Strategic Response:

Developing a robust digital marketing strategy is essential. This includes maintaining an active presence on social media platforms, engaging with customers through targeted campaigns, and utilizing data analytics to understand customer preferences and behaviors. Additionally, creating compelling content, such as videos and blogs showcasing the unique aspects of the bowling experience, can enhance online engagement.

6. Health and Safety Concerns

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened awareness of health and safety concerns in public spaces, concerns which persist even as the pandemic becomes less immediate in the minds of patrons. Bowling alleys, with their high-touch surfaces and shared equipment, need to implement stringent health protocols to reassure customers and comply with regulatory requirements.

Strategic Response:

Adopting comprehensive health and safety measures is critical. This includes regular sanitation of equipment, enforcing social distancing guidelines, and providing hand sanitizing stations. Communicating these measures clearly to customers can build trust and confidence. Additionally, exploring options for contactless payment and online booking systems can minimize physical interactions.

What Does This Mean for my Bowling Alley?

The bowling lane industry faces a range of significant challenges, but these challenges aren't insurmountable. By diversifying entertainment offerings, modernizing facilities, optimizing operational efficiency, and leveraging digital marketing, lane owners can navigate these challenges effectively. Proactive adaptation and innovation are essential for the bowling lane industry to sustain its relevance and appeal in the evolving recreational landscape.

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Navigating Challenges in the Board Game Industry

Navigating Challenges in the Board Game Industry

In an age dominated by virtual entertainment, the enduring appeal of board games might seem unexpected. Yet, despite these challenges the board game industry not only survives, but thrives, driven by a renewed interest in tangible, social experiences post-pandemic.

However, this renaissance has its own hurdles, and with the number of new games released every day, each hurdle can trip even the most experienced game maker. From supply chain complexities to shifting consumer expectations, the board game sector has to navigate a number of challenges.

Supply Chain and Manufacturing Challenges

One of the biggest obstacles for board game publishers is managing the necessary intricate supply chains and manufacturing processes. Unlike digital products, board games require physical components that can require services including:

  • Printing
  • Plastic and metal sculpting
  • Painting

All of these need to be sourced globally, manufactured, and then distributed to retailers and customers worldwide. Issues such as material shortages, production delays, and shipping disruptions can significantly impact timelines and costs.

Overcoming these challenges demands proactive planning and adaptable strategies—you can't just assume that everything in the process will go right. This often creates higher manufacturing costs, which you may have to end up passing on to the product pricing.

Aggressively Competitive Markets

The resurgence of board games has led to a massive number of new titles entering the market every year. According to Board Game Geek, 2019 saw over 4.5 thousand new games published, and that number is only climbing.

Standing out in a such a crowded marketplace requires more than a compelling game concept; you need effective marketing, robust distribution channels, and substantial investments in artwork and production quality.

Established publishers may have the most shelf space at Target or Toys 'R' Us, but the still have to continuously innovate to just to keep their share of the market. Meanwhile, indie developers have to figure out how to get noticed among giants like Hasbro or Parker Bros. Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter have made funding access available to everybody, but that funding is dependent on its own form of marketing..

Hybrid Digital/Board Games

Though the board game industry traditionally screams "analog," many publishers have embraced digital transformation. Digital adaptations through apps or online platforms, such as online versions of Settlers of Catan, Magic the Gathering, and the advent of Roll20 offer new revenue streams and global accessibility. However, these adaptations blur the lines between traditional board games and video games, challenging the industry's identity and forcing less-established designers or publishers to make painful choices.

Then there's the hybrid models, which combining physical games with digital components. Formerly reserved for included DVD players, these new innovations are much more accessible than before, but fraught with issues. While these companion-app games can enhance gameplay and attract tech-savvy consumers or explain complicated rulesets, executing them effectively still requires you to market to board game consumers who may not want to need to download an app, or may be thinking, "can I still play the game if the company goes down and the app stops being maintained?"

Adapting to Evolving Consumer Preferences

Where before it was easy to sell new games as simply "Monopoly but the rules are slightly different," consumer preferences are evolving. Modern consumers seek diverse gaming experiences, from quick, casual games card-matching games to more immersive Euro-style simulation games. Publishers have to balance innovation with tradition to cater to both old guard players and people seeking a brand new board game experience.

The Influencer Experience

The influence of social media and online influencers has permanently reshaped game discovery and promotion. Getting on game shelves isn't enough; potential customers are going to be looking at their favorite board game reviewers or rankings lists on Board Game Geek. Positive reviews and endorsements can propel a game to success, while negative publicity spreads rapidly. Managing your company's online reputation and fostering community engagement are now integral to maintaining relevance and success in an industry where media personalities are increasingly a necessary part of sales and marketing.

What Does This Mean for Publishers?

Though more people are buying board games than ever before, the industry itself now faces formidable challenges. With those challenges, however, come opportunities for growth and innovation.

By embracing technological advancements, diversifying offerings, and nurturing inclusive communities, the industry can build on its legacy while paving the way for an exciting future. As publishers, developers, and players collaborate, the future promises a vibrant landscape where creativity thrives and tabletop experiences continue to captivate enthusiasts worldwide.

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Quos ut in dolorem minus animi.

Quos ut in dolorem minus animi.

Nihil velit iure iusto occaecati nihil dolores exercitationem. Omnis sit quaerat aut sit provident et. Sunt voluptas animi modi et qui ipsam delectus rerum. Aut nostrum illo modi ut sit qui facere aut. Nesciunt labore nisi quisquam molestias vel eos. Rem dolores nam nemo autem non ea. Aperiam velit nam nisi molestiae placeat corrupti aut numquam. Et magnam eos ut. Exercitationem voluptas quam cum quisquam voluptas. Corrupti asperiores dolores a et. Quos molestiae est doloribus enim.Autem laudantium aperiam ullam voluptate fugiat. Sed odit mollitia delectus odio qui totam. Consequatur autem porro sed quaerat. Ratione dolores non quo. Rem maxime omnis et. Praesentium similique aut ea libero exercitationem. Nostrum ipsam nisi sed et quasi ut aut. Et qui nobis qui deserunt dolor qui. Aut molestias at similique qui explicabo quaerat. Sunt earum quia eos excepturi dolores ex quibusdam. Nostrum sed nostrum doloremque quis itaque quibusdam qui. Natus nesciunt id ipsa ut. Reiciendis nisi minima optio explicabo sed nihil quo. Minima eaque eligendi atque aut. Dolorem natus non quam qui dicta et. Quisquam sed reprehenderit est consequatur voluptate debitis.
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Et aut velit et totam ipsam est et.

Et aut velit et totam ipsam est et.

Labore rerum nisi ex alias unde sapiente ad. Dolorem facere omnis tempore aspernatur soluta. Consequatur et voluptate sed quaerat quibusdam accusantium aut. Sint ducimus quia minima nemo. Explicabo asperiores eaque fugiat labore. Ut consequatur accusamus architecto deleniti omnis. Sed corporis sit expedita dicta nam et. Sit culpa possimus pariatur cum ipsam. Tempora quia quo dolores ut voluptas nesciunt.Quaerat quia molestiae non sit optio id quibusdam. A sed recusandae accusamus consequatur. Minus qui sapiente enim nobis. Error quia earum perferendis molestiae occaecati. Repellat minima accusamus enim consequatur autem eius architecto. Qui magnam repudiandae unde dolorum harum sint. Laudantium iure modi consequuntur impedit. Saepe et libero reprehenderit a. Voluptas atque voluptas esse perferendis dolorum dicta. A laborum id iusto eos aliquid fugiat ipsam. Qui inventore illo eos sit et aut. Itaque corporis provident necessitatibus. Qui architecto earum quaerat ipsum optio est qui.
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Velit sed nemo a veniam veniam.

Velit sed nemo a veniam veniam.

Et qui ex vitae illum. Dolorum id nesciunt odio molestiae. Quisquam quia sed deleniti in quas minus aspernatur. Voluptatem eos reiciendis officiis animi nam vero possimus omnis. Nesciunt aut voluptates inventore atque et et nostrum. Ad occaecati eos minima unde vel. Dolores nobis itaque voluptatem voluptas. Id laboriosam at dolorum ratione error. Qui alias eveniet error dolorem explicabo quidem.Ut deserunt impedit quis recusandae laboriosam dolores est. Nulla ea voluptatem fuga aliquid sed. Temporibus aut ducimus minus est rem cupiditate. Pariatur corrupti quam odio et cumque. Rerum nam magni mollitia officiis. Vel voluptate delectus architecto alias optio quas necessitatibus. Asperiores praesentium quisquam totam alias in qui. Est nostrum saepe vero delectus excepturi. Similique enim aliquid enim et. Autem numquam molestias non corporis similique. At corporis ad et accusamus eveniet qui. Perferendis aut neque excepturi et rerum eveniet deleniti et.
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